Blockchain technology has been around for 13+ years. But, its evolution over the past few years was remarkable. With its constant evolution, blockchain introduces new protocols to address the major concerns of scalability interoperability and sustainability. Simply put, the ultimate goal is to build a faster and more efficient blockchain ecosystem that will overcome the limitations of the previous generation.
Bitcoin could only facilitate the decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency payment network, as we know. Ethereum, on the other hand, was an open-source blockchain protocol with smart contract integration. It enabled a wide range of uses, such as DeFi applications and NFTs. To survive in the highly competitive Blockchain market, each platform offers a different roadmap.
Avalanche, a new and innovative blockchain platform, is rapidly gaining popularity within the global Blockchain community. As measured by time to finality, this network appears to be the most eco-friendly and performant smart contract platform. It solves the scaling issues and weaknesses of first and second-generation blockchains such as slow transaction speed and security. Avalanche features can be used to address any existing blockchain issues. As an open-source, fast, and affordable POS-based protocol, the platform is a success. Decentralized apps, smart contracts, or DeFi apps can all be created by anyone, according to your specific customization needs.
Avalanche launched the authorized 'Avalanche Consensus Model'. This model can be confusing.
What is Avalanche exactly?
Avalanche is a powerful smart contract platform, which has been launched in 2020. It's programmable and fast. Emin Gun Sier, Cornell University's computer science professor, and Ava Labs owner, created the Avalanche project in order to offer a secure and flexible ecosystem for decentralized apps. The platform allows anyone with blockchain knowledge to create customized applications. Facilitating millions of users is no easy task. The platform supports custom virtual machines like WASM and EVM as well as popular GO programming language.
Avalanche's concept is very similar to those of Polkadot or Cosmos. However, Avalanche offers a greater throughput, higher validators, and more sub-net transaction rates. Avalanche allows for multiple custom VMS and has the incredible decentralization that Avalanche provides. Avalanche is rapidly expanding because of these unique offerings. Avalanche has seen major financial institutions, public institutions, governments, and large enterprises adopt the Avalanche protocol's technology to streamline their core functionality.
What does Avalanche do?
Avalanche implements Avalanche’s consensus protocol. This protocol is simple and easily maintained. It is the backbone of the Avalanche Network and, obviously, a breakthrough for the Blockchain community. It acquires Classical (focused only on speed and efficiency) and Nakamoto consensus (focused solely on scaling and decentralization). Although the model follows POS quite closely, the new consensus protocol is not too different. Let's examine the entire system.
1. Subsampled vote system
This system allows for a large group to share information and to agree to a transaction.
2. Fastest Operation
The consensus process is fast regardless of how many nodes are involved.
3. It's difficult to perform attacks
One must possess at least 80 percent of the stakes token in order to attack Avalanche. It increases security for the network.
The following procedure is used to validate transactions in Avalanche's consensus model:
* Node issues the transactions.
* The transaction has reached the validators.
* Validators confirm the validity and add valid Txs to the validated lists.
* Once the valid Txs are added, the network uses a subsampled voter system to reach a consensus.
* Next comes to the selection of K random validators according to their staking status.
* The system queries the K validators about preferred transactions.
* This updates the transaction trust.
* This determines if the confidences are above the threshold. If the answer is yes, the transaction will be accepted on the Avalanche Protocol. Transactions below the threshold are rejected.
Avalanche can process as many as 4500 TPS per net and has a clock that finishes in less than three seconds. The speed is incredible as Bitcoin processes 7 tips in 1-hour finality while Ethereum has a 15 tps finality clock and 10 minutes. Did we miss anything? This is the explanation of the mechanism behind the primary Avalanche Network.
* Avalanche's primary blockchain is divided into three interoperable Blockchains, X, C, and P.
* X chain is the first Blockchain. This stands for exchange chains that are useful for managing, creating, and transacting digital assets. It is based on another unique form, the 'DAG’ model.
* C-chain, the second Blockchain, is dedicated smart contracts. We can also say it's a copy EVM, which powers the development and deployment of dApps on Avalanche.
* P-chain coordinates validationators, creates subnetworks, and staking mechanism.
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