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Steps to create, test and deploy Ethereum Smart Contract

Ethereum as a Blockchain Platform to develop decentralized applications

Blockchain platforms enable developers to create and execute smart contracts. Ethereum is another blockchain platform that can execute any code, so you can run any program on Ethereum.

The Ethereum Blockchain is a distributed infrastructure that allows you to use smart contracts to finish projects.

Create your cryptocurrencies

Ethereum allows you to create a tradable token you can use for a new currency. Tokens made with Ethereum use a standard API to work with any Ethereum blockchain wallet.

Create virtual organizations

To build a blockchain-based company, you can create a smart contract. This allows you to add people to your organization and allow voting rules. The smart contract is executed automatically if the number of votes exceeds the threshold.

Create dApps

Ethereum allows developers to create secure, fault-tolerant, decentralized apps that are transparent and eliminate intermediaries.

Raise funds

For fundraising, you can also use Ethereum smart contract. You can create a smart contract with Ethereum and set a deadline. If you fail to achieve the goal, donations will be automatically refunded to donors.

Smart Contracts executed by the Ethereum Blockchain Platform

Before we can discuss how to create a smart contract on the Ethereum platform, it is important to understand the Ethereum blockchain.

Let's first understand the execution environment.

Ethereum Virtual Machine

EVM serves as a runtime environment to support smart contracts that are built on Ethereum. It can be thought of as a supercomputer worldwide that executes all smart contracts.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine, as the name suggests, is not a physical machine but a virtual one. EVM's functionality is limited to virtual machines. It cannot, for example, make delayed calls over the internet or generate random numbers. It is therefore considered a simple state machine. Programming in assembly language is not a good idea, so Ethereum needed a programming language to run its EVM.


Gas is a unit of measurement used in the Ethereum Virtual Machine to assign fees to transactions with smart contracts. Every computation in the EVM requires some gas. The gas required to run smart contracts is dependent on how complex the computations are.

Transaction fee = Total gasoline used*gas price


Solidity is an Ethereum smart contract programming language. It was built on top of the EVM and is very similar to object-oriented programming languages that use class and methods. It can perform arbitrary computations but is also used to store state and send tokens. Solidity's syntax is heavily influenced by Javascript, Python, C++, and Python so developers can quickly understand it.

What is a Smart Contract and how does it work?

Smart Contracts are the business logic, or protocol that enables all transactions on a Blockchain to take place. The general goal of a smart contract is to fulfill common contractual conditions, such as creating its own token on Ethereum. Smart contracts are required to perform all calculations for our token.

It's a standalone script written in Solidity, compiled into JSON, and deployed to a specific address on the Blockchain. We can call a URL address of a RESTful API and run logic through an HTTPRequest. In the same way, we can execute a deployed smart contract at a specific address by entering the correct data with Ethereum.

Smart contracts can be deployed to the decentralized repository for a fee proportional to the code's storage. It can also be described as a collection code stored in the blockchain network. This defines the conditions that all parties should agree to.

This is an example of how to create Ethereum smart contracts using a Solidity programming language. It is important to first understand Solidity.

What is Solidity?

Solidity is a Javascript-like language that was created specifically to create smart contracts. It can be typed statically and supports inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types.

The Solidity compiler converts code to EVM bytecode, which is sent as a deployment transaction to the Ethereum network.

Steps to test an Ethereum smart-contract

  1. All smart contract methods such as transfer, total supply, and balance can be run from the same smart contract example. These methods can be found in the right-hand corner of the remix window. You can then run all processes from there.
  2. Transfer some tokens to another ethereum wallet address and then call the balance method to check the balance.
  3. You can get the complete supply by using the total supply method.

Steps to deploy Ethereum smart contracts

  1. Switch to the main Ethereum network at metamask to make your smart contract go live.
  2. You can also add some real ethers.
  3. Remix your smart contract as described in the previous steps.
  4. When a smart contract is deployed successfully, visit
  5. and search your smart contract address there.
  6. Select your smart contract.
  7. Click "verify contract" to verify your smart contract.
  8. Paste your smart contract code at Etherscan. To compile your code, use the same compiler version as you used at a remix.
  9. If optimization at remix was selected, change "optimization" from No to Yes.
  10. Click Verify.
  11. If there is no problem, it will only take a few moments and your smart contract will be available.
  12. Etherscan now allows you to run smart contract methods.


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